KS4 National Curriculum Statement(s) covered

  • Types of chemical bonding: ionic, covalent, and metallic
  • Changes of state of matter in terms of the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces
  • Determination of empirical formulae from the ratio of atoms of different kinds

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Chemical reactions occur because some atoms achieve more stable electronic configurations by forming bonds. Most atoms become stable when they have a full outer shell of electrons. For most atoms, this means having eight electrons in their outer shell, except for hydrogen and helium, which need only two. Atoms can achieve full outer shells by forming bonds with other atoms through the loss, gain, or sharing of electrons.

All chemical bonding involves electrostatic attractions:

  • In metallic bonding, the attraction is between delocalised electrons and positive metal ions.
  • In ionic bonding, the attraction is between oppositely charged ions.
  • In covalent bonding, it is the attraction between shared pairs of electrons and the nuclei of the atoms.

These electrostatic forces are fundamental to the formation and stability of molecules and chemical compounds. Learn more about each of the types of structure and bonding here:

Monatomic substances consist of single atoms that are not bonded to other atoms. These substances are typically noble gases such as helium, neon, and argon. Because their outer electron shells are full, monatomic gases are chemically inert and do not readily form bonds with other elements. This makes them stable and non-reactive under standard conditions.

Chemical Formulae

In chemistry, the formulae used to represent compounds vary depending on the type of bonding and structure. They represent how many atoms or ions are present in an element, molecule or compound.

Simple molecular substances, which are formed through covalent bonding, use molecular formulae to indicate the exact number of atoms of each element in a molecule. For example, the molecular formula of water is H₂O, indicating that each molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

A chemical formula indicates the types and numbers of atoms in a molecule or compound. Subscripts are used to show the number of each type of atom present. If no subscript is written, it is understood that there is only one atom of that element. Examples include:

  • water, H₂O - each molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom
  • sodium chloride, NaCl - each crystal contains one sodium ion for every one chlorine ion
  • silicon dioxide, SiO₂ - for every silicon atom in this structure, there are two oxygen atoms

Worked Example - water (H₂O)

The molecular formula H₂O indicates that each molecule of water contains:

  • two hydrogen atoms
  • one oxygen atom
Structural formula of water, showing one oxygen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms (H₂O).

This precise formula reflects the fixed number of atoms in each individual molecule.

    In contrast, giant ionic and giant covalent structures do not have a fixed number of atoms in their extensive networks. As a result, these substances are represented using empirical formulae, which show the simplest whole-number ratio of the elements.

    For compounds containing polyatomic ions, brackets (parentheses) are often needed in their chemical formulae. Examples include:

    • calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)₂ - each calcium atom is bonded to two OH (hydroxide) groups (for every one calcium atom there are two oxygen atoms and two hydrogen atoms)
    • magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO₃)₂ - each magnesium atom is bonded to two NO₃ (nitrate) groups (for every one magnesium atom there are two nitrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms)
    • ammonium carbonate, (NH₄)₂CO₃ - there is one carbonate group (CO₃) for every two ammonium groups (NH₄)  (for every one carbon atom there are three oxygen atoms, two nitrogen atoms, and eight hydrogen atoms)

    Similarly, consider iron (Fe) in a metallic structure. The empirical formula Fe is used because the structure consists of a large number of iron atoms bonded in a lattice without a fixed number of atoms.

    Worked Example - sodium chloride (NaCl)

    The empirical formula NaCl reflects the:

    • 1:1 ratio of sodium ions to chloride ions
    • in a giant ionic lattice
    ionic space-filling model

    This is an incredibly small portion of a much larger crystal structure. The actual number of ions in a crystal can be extremely large.

      Bonding, Structure, Properties

      The type of bonding in a substance informs structure, which in turn determines properties:

      bonding structure properties
      metallic giant lattice of positive ions with delocalised electrons high melting points, high conductivity, malleability, and ductility
      ionic giant ionic lattices of positive and negative ions high melting points and electrical conductivity only when molten or dissolved in water
      covalent can result in either simple molecular structures or giant structures simple molecular have low melting points and do not conduct electricity
      giant covalent have high melting points, and (mostly) do not conduct electricity

      The changes of state of matter—such as melting, boiling, and sublimation—can be understood in terms of the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces:

      • In simple molecular substances, the molecules are held together by relatively weak intermolecular forces, which require less energy to overcome compared to the strong chemical bonds in giant structures.
        Consequently, simple molecular substances have low melting and boiling points.
      • In contrast, giant structures, including giant covalent lattices, giant ionic lattices, and giant metallic lattices, have extensive networks of strong chemical bonds. These bonds require significant energy to break, resulting in high melting and boiling points.

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      Did you know?

      • Silicon carbide (SiC), often used in sandpaper and cutting tools, is a compound of silicon and carbon. It is almost as hard as diamond and is used in high-temperature and high-voltage applications due to its durability and ability to conduct heat.
      • Graphene is not only incredibly strong but also flexible. Despite being just one atom thick, it can stretch up to 20% of its original length.
      • Spider silk has a tensile strength comparable to steel and is composed of proteins with complex molecular structures. Its incredible strength and elasticity make it a subject of interest for developing new materials.

      Why do we care?

      • Chemical formulae explain how compounds are formed and represented, helping us understand the composition of substances.
      • Understanding chemical formulae aids in the creation of new materials with specific properties.
      • It helps students make sense of everyday phenomena, like why ice melts and how cooking changes food at a molecular level.
      • This understanding is essential for developing new technologies, such as stronger building materials and more efficient electronics.
      • Knowledge of bonding and structure is crucial for solving real-world problems, such as developing sustainable energy sources and creating new medicines.

      Key information

      • The type of bonding (ionic, covalent, metallic) determines the structure and properties of a substance.
      • Giant structures (ionic, metallic, giant covalent) typically have high melting and boiling points.
      • Simple molecular substances have low melting and boiling points due to weak intermolecular forces.
      • Electrical conductivity varies: ionic compounds conduct when molten or dissolved, metals conduct as solids, and covalent molecules generally do not conduct.